OK. So we just had the Pinewood Derby. This year we had two cars to make because Isaac is now 8 - and therefore in scouts. So, after bugging Loyd and the Boys for days and days they FINALLY started their cars!
This would be Isaac blow drying his car with my blow dryer!
This would be Kyle sanding. Where are his protective glasses? OHHH - Uncle Nate would be so disappointed!
And here is Ellie. Painting in her BRAND NEW OUTFIT!!! WHAT!!?!?!
Kyle won a few....lost a few!
Isaac won more than a few!
I have many more years of Pinewood Derby to come....
I wonder what Zane's car will look like!
OK... lets talk about that picture of Zane... where can I pick up my own copy? And now lets discuss Ikey at the PWD... Of course Ike loved it... it's an Ikey thing to be happy about doing stuff! And then lets talk about the dreaded PWD... McKay will be 8 in April. I love him with all my heart and soul... but I want to have it documented that I would be willing to make a trade for Ellie until McKay is done with his scouting... he's won a PWD award, and all the patch thingers are ironed on to his uniform OR until Ellie starts her period. Either way, I'm standing firm on my trade agreements. I LOATH PWD... don't ask I have no reason, I just loath it... and quite frankly, I can't stand the anxiety that encompasses my life as the 8th birthday of my eldest son draws near. Heaven help me! SCOUTS?!!! OUCH!
Marci, just found out from Cheri that you have a blog! Yea!
Looking forward to those Pinewood Derbys...I think...
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