Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to Stop Time.....or Do I Want To?

Today we celebrated Kyle's birthday (although his birthday was a few days ago). I remember so well the day that Kyle was born, which is weird because I can't remember 2 days ago? When Kyle was born he was perfect in every way except that nobody could get him to cry! So they (the nurses) wisked him off to the nursery to be "examined" and "watched". Loyd followed him - at my request - because I was SURE that someone would surely try to switch my cute baby with their ugly one!! Anyway......after SEVERAL reports from Loyd that Kyle was fine and 5 hours had gone by.... my HORMONES kicked into OVERDRIVE and I decided I would like to see my NEW BABY!! I called the nursery SCREAMING and CRYING! (Not really my best moment!) Soon I had Kyle in my arms and I held him until we left the hospital.....and most of the next MONTH!! Yes, I admit that I have been known to HOG my children! I let people hold them BRIEFLY!!

But a very vivid memory is when Kyle was about one week old and I was sitting in bed in the middle of the night feeding him and Loyd woke up and I said "I want him to stay like this forever". Of course, he didn't. But then, every stage that he came to I remember thinking- Oh, this is fun......I want him to stay like THIS forever!! Kyle is now 10 years old! And I don't know how it can get any better. He is such a wonderful, talented, smart, sweet, amazing boy. He is a wonderful brother to Isaac.....they don't know it but they actually are best friends. They hang out perfectly together, laughing and having the best of times! He is so sweet to Ellie. If you figure Ellie out she can be so easy to get along with.....Kyle figured this out not to long ago and she LOVES him so much! And Kyle is such a big help with Zane. I am so glad that Zane will have such an amazing example to look up to.

Happy Birthday Kyle. I love you more than you will ever know.


Suz said...

happy Birthday to the ever amazing Kyle. Everything you said is absolutly true. He is a great kid! I sure do dig him...

Cheri said...

So did they ever figure out why he wouldn't cry?? Or is he just a super happy, contended kid???!!!

GREAT story Marci!!

Flake Family said...

Yeah! You are a blogger. Very exciting! I love your post about Dancing in the Rain. Maybe you can help me when you master it:)!