Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Greatest Joy

This is Zane......just look at him......isn't he lovely? This is what I do all day long - kiss Zane. I can't resist. He has the most smoochable cheeks. Zane is six months old. He can sit up - and - as of today he has started trying to move by bouncing up and down on his bottom! It is so cute.....he hops and hops and every third or fourth hop he actually moves a little bit! He seems to be pretty pleased with himself!

This is Ellie!! She is three years old (although if you ask her she tells you she is two and a half). The funnest thing about Ellie is that she loves to be here. She loves to be in our family. She loves her brothers. She loves her cousins. She loves her grandparents. She loves her friends. Every day Ellie asks me who we are going to see today? She is always happy if I answer that we will be spending time with someone she loves!

This is Isaac. The best thing about Isaac are his dimples! Isaac is eight years old. His greatest love......his wii! Grandma Della gave him a wii for Christmas and he is in heaven. Although he also loves Baby Zane. Isaac really loves being Zane's brother. He is so sweet to him. Isaac loves being a boy. The best description I have heard about Isaac was recently when someone said that he was like Peter Pan, in that he never wants to grow up! He is a joy to be around.

This is Kyle. I have known Kyle for almost 10 years now. (He is currently 9 but will be 10 in a couple of weeks.) It is interesting to have a 6 month old and a 10 year old child at the same time. You begin to notice things about your child that you may not notice otherwise. Before I had Zane all of my kids looked small - now Kyle looks big. Kyle somehow became a little man in the last 6 months - helping with things without being asked - realizing that he is the oldest of 4 and therefore the "example". I appreciate Kyle more each day for the person that he is. His talents and abilities are amazing and I am proud of him.


Suz said...

You are my most favorite sister... Okay... maybe one of my most favorite people ever! But... these little "greatest Joy" people... they are my favorites too! You described them well.... Though you left out the part that Kyle took the majority of ALL the brains and brilliance that ever existed... and you captured the part about Ikey being Peter Pan... but he would live in NEver Never Land if he had the choice... and Ellie bug~ Sorry- this girl is not only happy... she is spunky and spirited like no other! and Baby Zane... a heart melter! And though he will never love another quite like he loves his mum, it is my personal goal to place a close 2nd.
congrats on the fab blog! I can't wait to stay up half the night peeping into it... and then dream about you loosing weight in your spin cycle class while I sleep at that gosh aweful hour!

Suz said...

I think it's time for you to post again. I know you have tons of time to waste on the blog like I do... so get going.

Aunt Runny said...

Oh, I think your blog is soooo cute. I love how you wrote about each child. I can just picture the book you make from this blog.